Issue 107 Contributors


Denise Alden is a poet. Some of her work can be found at Red Flag Poetry, The Sunlight Press, and in Dear Vaccine: Global Voices Speak to the Pandemic. She lives on the traditional homelands of the Dakota, now known as the Twin Cities.

Horus Balogh-Zanin (he/him) is a transgender man and graduate student. He is currently working on his master's in invertebrate paleontology. His poetry focuses on the intersection of the body and the world, and he has been previously published in Consilience online journal. Originally from San Diego, he currently lives near LA with his fish. He does not use social media.

Jeannine Hall Gailey is a poet with MS who served as Poet Laureate of Redmond, Washington. She's the author of six books of poetry, including Field Guide to the End of the World, winner of the Moon City Press Book Prize and the SFPA's Elgin Award, and her latest, Flare, Corona from BOA Editions. Her work appeared in journals like The American Poetry Review, Ploughshares, and Poetry. Her web site is Twitter and Instagram: @webbish6.

Melissa Fite Johnson is the author of three full-length collections, most recently Midlife Abecedarian (Riot in Your Throat, 2024). Her poems have appeared in Ploughshares, Pleiades, Sidereal, Stirring, Rogue Agent, HAD, SWWIM, and elsewhere. Melissa teaches high school English in Lawrence, KS, where she and her husband live with their dogs.

Xiaoly Li is a recipient of the Massachusetts Cultural Council Artist Fellowship Grant (2022). Her poetry collection, Every Single Bird Rising (FutureCycle Press, April 2023), was a Zone 3 Press Book Award finalist. Her poetry is forthcoming, featured, or anthologized in Salamander, Saranac Review, Spillway, PANK, Chautauqua, Rhino, Verse Daily, and elsewhere. She has been nominated for: Best New Poets, three times a Pushcart Prize, and four times Best of the Net. Her website:

Melanie McCabe is the author of three collections of poems, most recently The Night Divers (Terrapin Books), which was a finalist this year for the Library of Virginia Literary Awards. Her memoir, His Other Life: Searching For My Father, His First Wife, and Tennessee Williams, won the University of New Orleans Press Lab Prize. Her poems and essays have appeared in The Washington Post, The Georgia Review, The Threepenny Review, Shenandoah, The Massachusetts Review, and many other journals.

Trystan Popish (she/her/hers) is a disabled poet from Colorado. In her work, Trystan plays with sound and unexpected internal rhymes, bringing a sonic levity to explorations of mental health, disability, family trauma, grief, and survival. Her work appears in Open Minds Quarterly, Santa Fe Writers Project Quarterly, and Twenty Bellows

Shloka Shankar is a poet and self-taught visual artist from Bangalore, India. A Best of the Net nominee and award-winning haiku poet, Shloka is the Founding Editor of Sonic Boom and its imprint Yavanika Press. Her debut full-length haiku collection, The Field of Why (Yavanika Press, India), was shortlisted for the Touchstone Distinguished Book Awards 2022. Website: | Instagram: @shloks23 

Michele Sharpe is an adopted person, a high school dropout, and a former trial attorney. A poet and essayist, she's written for Salamander, Sweet, The New York Times, Witness, and many other publications. She lives in North Florida.

Mainly self-taught, with little formal training, Justin Vicari is something of an idiot savant. They have written and published two collections of poems, The Professional Weepers (Pavement Saw, 2011) and In Search of Lost Joy (Main Street Rag, 2018). Vicari has also written and published six books of critical theory, as well as translating books by Philippe Soupault, J.-K. Huysmans, Octave Mirbeau and others. Vicari is intersex, gay, bipolar and on the autistic spectrum.

