Issue 70 Contributors


Mikki Aronoff’s work has appeared in The Lake, EastLit, Virga, Bearing the Mask: Southwest Persona Poems, Love’s Executive Order, bosque9, Intima: A Journal of Narrative Medicine, SurVision, Love Like Salt, London Reader, Popshot Quarterly, and elsewhere. A New Mexico poet and Pushcart nominee, she is also involved in animal advocacy.

Sloan Asakura is a poet and memoirist originally from Los Angeles, now braving the Pacific Northwest. In their freetime, they can be found cooking comfort food, doing critical analyses of Korean dramas, and obsessively cleaning their bathroom. Asakura has previously been published in Rigorous and Jeopardy Magazine.

Constance Bourg lives in the Flemish part of Belgium, where she volunteers at her local library. She also dabbles in the art of collage. Her poems have appeared in Blanket Sea, Pink Plastic House, Paper Dragon, The Poetry Shed, Frogpond and an anthology of poems about illness by Emma Press (UK). She always says that she leads a part-time life because of a chronic illness called ME/CFS.

Peggy Hammond grew up near Raleigh, North Carolina, and now resides in the mountains of her home state. Her poetry is featured or forthcoming in The Lyricist, Oberon Poetry, High Shelf Press, San Antonio Review, Inklette, and West Trade Review. Her full-length stage play A Little Bit of Destiny was produced by OdysseyStage Theatre in Durham, NC.

Paul Ilechko is the author of the chapbooks Bartok in Winter (Flutter Press) and Graph of Life (Finishing Line Press). His work has appeared in a variety of journals, including Juxtaprose, As It Ought To Be, Cathexis Northwest Press, Thin Air Magazine and Pithead Chapel. He lives with his partner in Lambertville, NJ.

Len Lawson is the author of Chime (Get Fresh Books, 2019). His poetry has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net. He has received fellowships from Callaloo, Vermont Studio Center, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and others. His poetry appears in Callaloo, African American Review, Ninth Letter, Verse Daily, Mississippi Review, and elsewhere. Len is also a Ph.D. candidate in English Literature and Criticism at Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

V.C. Myers is an Appalachian poet, the author of Give the Bard a Tetanus Shot (Vegetarian Alcoholic Press, 2019), and a Contributing Poetry Editor of Barren Magazine. Her work has been displayed in ekphrastic exhibits, nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net, and appeared, or is forthcoming, in literary journals such as Poet Lore, Prairie Schooner, The Minnesota Review, Five:2:One, Coffin Bell, and Yes Poetry. Her website is

Megan Nichols lives in the Ozark Mountains. Her poetry has appeared, or is forthcoming, in FEED Lit, Pretty Owl Poetry, Versification, Variant Lit, and River Mouth Review.

MIchele Sharpe, a poet and essayist, is also a high school dropout, hepatitis C survivor, adoptee, and former trial attorney. Her essays appear most recently in The New York Times, Witness, The Washington Post, and Poets & Writers. Poems can be found in Rogue Agent (Issue 66), B O D Y, Poet Lore, North American Review, Stirring, and Baltimore Review. More at

Lucy Zhang writes, codes, and watches anime. Her work has appeared in SOFTBLOW, Atticus Review, The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, Pidgeonholes, Jellyfish Review, and elsewhere. Find her at or on Twitter @Dango_Ramen.

