Themed Photo Features


In 2015, each even-numbered issue of Rogue Agent will include a themed photo feature that documents writers' lives outside of their writing practice. Although Rogue Agent does not care how well-published you are, to qualify for inclusion in this feature, you must have a dedicated writing practice. To submit for this feature, please send an email to with the subject line [FIRST INITIAL] [LAST NAME] THEMED PHOTO SUBMISSION. Attach one high resolution .jpg image. In the body of the email. Also include your name, the genre(s) you write in, and (optionally) a link to your writerly internet presence (a blog, Facebook, Twitter, website). 


this november will be our final themed photo gallery!

"Where I Write" (submit from October 1 - Oct 29)

In this blog post, Martha Silano writes "I've written in parks and zoos and museums, . . . on ferries and in ferry lines, in lines at banks, under an oak, in a field, on a row boat, in cars and cafes. . . .Is a room of one’s own essential? Perhaps for some; not for me." What is your experience? Do you need a room of your own to write, or do you keep your writing practice on the move? Send us a hi-res .jpg of your writing space, whether it's a book-lined study, your favorite coffee shop, or even on a row boat, plus a few sentences about that space and how it inspires you. Please also include, in the body of your email, the genre(s) you write in, and an internet presence (website, blog, Twitter, Facebook)  if you want it to be included in your gallery entry.